Midland Club

Midland members enjoyed a day trip to Shropshire in May to visit Mick and  Kath Gould’s Woodmarsh herd and viewed outstanding cows including the Melody, Zandra and Lime families.

Congratulations to HYB member Sarah Sutton who came 3rd in Senior Stockjudging and 4th in Senior Linear at the HYB Competitions day at Aintree Holsteins in May.

The club travelled to the Po valley region of Italy in June, where we visited the herds of Go-Farm, Sabbiona, Al Be. Ro. and Idevera and enoyed temperatures of 35 degrees and plenty of local food and wine.  We also watched Parmesan cheese being produced, went to Modena, the home of Ferrari and stayed in the historic town of Cremona.
Thanks to Pete Ridler  (Semenzoo) and David Sayce (WWS) for arranging such a fantastic trip.

Sunday 7th September – Club Calf Show at Rugby Farmers Mart, Stoneleigh