East Midlands

On the 15th of June the Birkle family opened up their herd for Holstein breeders all over the country. From all of the Club it was a great pleasure to see such an amazing heard which definitely deserves the premiere herd open day. As well as seeing such great cows the silent auction was a super success with great prices and calves with top class pedigrees and blood lines of calves which are definitely going to bring something special to any herd. 

As a Club we would also like to say a big congratulations and good luck to Andy Birkle with his new role as the new Chairman of the Board. 

Our Club is now in great preparation for the HYB rally 2017 "It's our year to SPARKLE" we have recently done a raffle which raised just over £1,500 and have many more events prepared for this year !! 

****Tickets now on sale*****

East Midlands Mouse race night .... a night of fun races and lots of betting all in the name of our young breeders. Held on the 30th of September 2017 at Frisby Village Hall just out side of Melton off the A46. Please ring or text 07585551558 if you are interested in purchasing tickets for this event.  All money raised goes to the HYB RALLY 2017. 

Evie Tomlinson