Central Counties

It has been a busy few months for Central Counties Holstein Club. 
In June, our annual stock judging evening was kindly hosted by AG Burton (Wrestony Holsteins) in Bedfordshire, with Sam Wake as the master judge. They put out two fantastic classes of milk cows which would have graced any show ring. We had a great turn out of people, superb cows and a lovely evening of food and socialising! 
In July, we had our herd competition which was kindly judged by Nick Sercombe. He was very impressed by the standard of cattle that he judged over the two days and we are pleased to announce the overall winner was GB Sear and Son (Egginson Holsteins) and we wish them the best of luck in the regional premier herd competition. 
In September, we will be holding a club training day for our young members in preparation for the upcoming calf shows this Autumn. We look forward to our Club Calf Show which will be held at Rugby Farmers Mart in September and judged by Simon Dowle (Midnight Holsteins). A full report of this will be in the Winter edition.
Finally, we are incredibly proud of one of our members - Sam Wake (Blydale Holsteins) who has been asked to be the ABAB Coloured Breeds Showmanship judge this year. It is a fantastic opportunity for him and a great achievement for the club to celebrate.  We look forward to seeing him in the show ring in October! 
Tracey Wake