South Eastern

As summer is now behind us and the show season comes to an end, we look forward to our winter herd competition. We have had an eventful summer at the club, kicking off with 2 stock judging days kindly hosted by Mike Goddard and Trevor Warren at Guston, and Ben Dyer and Holley Berreen from Oncoland.  Both days had a great turnout and thank you to everyone involved as we all know how much work and preparation goes into turning out 3 great classes. 
Following on was the summer farm walk hosted by John, Lucy, Robert and Janet Torrance at Curtismill Holsteins in Essex. What a treat it was for all of us. The focus on cow comfort and flow in an exceptional new building and some of the best dairy cows in the country that made many of us very envious.  It is very clear to see why the Curtismill herd has won the herd competition 3 years in a row.  And a very big thank you to Janet who put on a lovely dinner for everyone. 
The summer herd competition was kindly judged by Robert Burrows of Stardale Holsteins, who highlighted that he has now judged  the club 3 times in the last 30 years, and that the quality of cattle that he has seen from the first time to know was very different. Everybody who entered should be very proud of the stock that they are working with and that all entrants did a grand job. 
Horace Hale cup (senior herd comp)
1st. R. Torrance and Son, Curtismill
2nd Oncoland ltd. Onco
3rd J. Warnock & Sons, Capelleferne
Jubilee cup 
1st. M. Goddard, Guston
2nd ledger farms, Ripple
3rd R b Matthews, Borlase
Bull progeny
1st The Downing partnership, Wintersell, Picston Shottle 
2nd The Downing partnership. Wintersell, Zelgadis
3rd j Warnock a sons, Capelleferne, Gillette Windbrook
Female line
1stTthe Downing partnership, Wintersell, Mila
2nd Oncoland, Onco, Norma
3rd The Downing partnership, Vanessa
Exhibitor bred Heifer
1st Oncoland, Onco Atwood Nora 2
2nd The Downing partnership, Wintersell, Wintersell Steffi 105
3rd J Warnock & Sons, Capelleferne Mincio empress, 
Exhibitor bred cow
1st Oncoland, Onco Richman Alison, 
2nd J Warnock & Sons, Capelleferne Windbrook Alendula
3rd The Downing Partnership, Wintersell Mila 22
Calvin Otto