Norfolk Holstein Club

The Autumn started with a visit to Nottingham University, Dairy Unit by a contingent of 10 members.

This was quickly followed by our All Breeds Calf Show.  Judge Duncan Hunter had his work cut out judging,  23 young handlers, aged 5 to 26, showing forty one calves which included Holstein, British Friesian, Ayrshire and Jersey Breeds.

The Holstein Champion Handler was Charlie Moody , from Designer Holsteins and the AODB champion handler was Joshua Etteridge who was showing for Tim and Ava Barrell.

The Champion Holstein Calf and Reserve were from Designer Holstein. Champion Calf and interbreed champion calf was Designer Brady Adrienne

Reserve was Feizor Beemer Kandie and Honourable mention went to Robert Paterson’s Airfield Jubilee Prim.

Any Other Dairy Breed Champion Calf was Gemini Solo Cher, a British Friesian and reserve was Moonshine Madrid Java a Jersey calf.


The AGM will be held at Anglia Farmers on the 16th November, the speaker will be Emily Norton.


Jennie Hipperson