About the Holstein UK Society
Key facts about Holstein UK
Key facts about Holstein UK
Registers all pedigree Holstein and British Friesian cattle in the UK
Formed in 1999 from the merger of the Holstein Friesian Society (founded in 1909 as the British Holstein Cattle Society) and the British Holstein Society (founded in 1946)
Largest independent breed society in Europe
Represents its members' interests at national and European government levels
Holstein UK has representation on key committees and organisations:
International Committee for Animal Recording (ICAR)
World Holstein Friesian Federation (WHFF)
WHFF classifiers' group
WHFF committee for electronic standards
European Holstein Friesian Confederation (Board of Management, Herdbook and Type Evaluation Committee)
Centre for Dairy Information (CDI)
MDC Evaluations (ADC)
National Cattle Association (NCA)
British Cattle Breeders Club
Royal Association of British Dairy Farmers (RABDF)
DEFRA Health & Welfare
Electronic identification working group
British Livestock Genetics Consortium (BLG)
Holstein UK has close working relationships with:
MDC Evaluations (ADC) (exchange of index, ancestry and type records)
Cattle Information Service (CIS) (exchange of registration data and milk records)
Ayrshire Cattle Society of Great Britain and Ireland (registration and type appraisal by Holstein UK)
British Blue Cattle Society (registrations by Holstein UK )
Brown Swiss Cattle Society (UK) (registration and type appraisal by Holstein UK)
English Guernsey Cattle Society (housed at Holstein UK headquarters, registration and type appraisal by Holstein UK)
Jersey Cattle Society of the UK (housed at Holstein UK headquarters, registration and type appraisal by Holstein UK)
National Milk Records (exchange of registration data and milk records through Calflink)
Royal Jersey Agricultural Society (registration and type appraisal by Holstein UK)
Royal Guernsey Agricultural & Horticultural Society (Type appraisal by Holstein UK)
United Dairy Farmers - Northern Ireland (exchange of registration data and milk records)
European Angus Cattle Registration Co. (Registrations by Holstein UK)
British Montbeliarde Society (Registrations by Holstein UK)
Shorthorn Society of UK & Ireland (Type appraisal by Holstein UK)
AI companies, especially Cogent and Genus (Linear Inspection For Type (LIFT) assessment on daughters of potential proven sires and their contemporaries)