Holstein UK Services
Why Holsteins?
With dairy farming in the UK under continued downward financial pressure, milk
producer numbers have fallen sharply over the past decade, from over 40,000 in
the early 1990s to 23,000 in 2003.
However, we have seen a different picture at Holstein UK. Overall membership
has held up proportionately well, still amounting to around 30% of UK milk
producers, and the numbers of cattle registered has stabilised.
So why should this be? Our members tell us it is down to their awareness that
every enterprise on the farm must pay its way, and the genetics of their dairy
herd should be no exception.
By putting the genetics of the herd to work - by implementing a structured
breeding programme - our members discover that they not only make more money
from milk, but they also reduce their veterinary costs, lower their replacement
rates and often have surplus stock to sell.
It is not a myth that that stock registered with Holstein UK is more productive
and therefore more valuable. In 2004, cattle registered in our herd book had
average milk production of 8,118kg, which is fully 15% higher than the national
average of all milk-recorded herds. Registered cattle also have increasingly
good conformation, reflecting the growing use of our type classification
service. These better conformation cattle are proven to have longer life spans
and more trouble-free lives with the UK average Lifespan currently at 3.2
lactations but, for classified cows, 3.4 lactations.
Becoming Pedigree
With good farm records, upgrading a herd to pedigree status is easy, Animals
can be registered using their official ear tag identity; by phone (free phone)
or the Internet. Using our advanced computer links, Holstein UK will also
transfer information to BCMS at no additional cost, giving you one less thing
to worry about.