Holstein UK Services - Special Services

Animal fact sheets

Animal fact sheets have been designed specifically for those who require a detailed report on individual animals, whether for a show headboard, a sale catalogue or a herd visit. The fact sheet includes up-to-date milk records, type classification results, sire and dam information and a list of registered progeny.

Pedigree index herd print

For those without access to a computer and the Members section of our website, a hard copy of the pedigree index herd print provides a customised print-out of a herd’s youngstock. This is ranked on estimated PTA that can help to identify those from which it is best to breed. It can easily be generated by using your Pin number (the same number used for TeleReg) to log in to the Members section and by clicking on Youngstock Report.

Herd Brochures

Holstein UK can produce Herd Brochures for sales or open days. All that is required is a list of all animals to be included (for example a monthly milk statement). The brochure is then produced using all the information on each animal, stored on the Holstein UK database. Please call the office on 01923 695200 for a quote.


For members using the TeleReg or online registration services, application for BCMS passports can be carried out by Holstein UK staff at the point of registration at no extra cost.