Type Classification Scheme

Sections:   Introduction  |  Scoring

For Further Information please contact Jackie Clark or phone on 01923 695208.


Holstein UK operates the national type appraisal scheme for black and white cattle in Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Through the scheme, cattle are assessed for conformation by one of the 11-strong team of independent Holstein UK classifiers. They are awarded an overall grade (eg VG, EX) and score, and they are also measured for 16 individual type traits. The service has two key benefits:

  • Highly graded animals can have a considerably higher value than their non-classified counterparts.
  • Specific strengths and weaknesses are highlighted allowing improved corrective breeding decisions to be made, and the general standard of conformation to be improved across the herd.
Holstein UK currently type classifies over 100,000 animals each year. Most of these classifications are carried out for private farmers but many are also undertaken on behalf of the AI industry. From these classifications, genetic indexes for type are calculated on behalf of Holstein UK by the Canadian Dairy Network. These are expressed as Type Merit for sires, and the individual type traits are generally shown on a bar chart. The Holstein UK type classification scheme is the only type appraisal programme in the British Isles that is internationally recognised by the World Holstein Friesian Federation.

British Friesian

A separate classification scheme exists for the British Friesian qualifying animal, ie 87.5% or greater. Bar charts are produced on a Friesian base.

For more information please contact Jackie Clark or phone on 01923 695208.